Saumay Srivastava

Gurugram Gurgaon HR

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Preferred mode of communication : WhatsApp Messaging, Phone, Social Media Direct Message

Availability : Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Brief Bio : I work with Law-enforcements from different states on Cybercrime and Darkweb Investigations. I am an self learner proficiet in OSINT based Research/Reconnaissance, Malware Analysis and Web App enumeration. I have given various sessions on OSINT Investigation and Research Investigations to more than 8 LEAs, I have also been actively assisting Dr. Deepak Kumar (Senior Threat intelligence at i4C MHA) and Dr. Rakshit Tandon (Head trainings at Cyberpeace foundation) as well. I have developed my own OSINT based Investigation platform as it is currently being used by Law enforcements and professionals from different states. (Check linkedin for references).