Ashlin Rockey

Kochi Ernakulam KL

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Preferred mode of communication:  WhatsApp Messaging,Email Only

Availability: Sunday,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday

Brief bio:

I am an experienced network and server administrator with a strong background in cybersecurity. I have extensive knowledge of various network protocols, topologies, and configurations. I am also well-versed in server administration and have experience with both Linux and Windows servers.

In terms of cybersecurity, I have experience in implementing security measures to protect networks, servers, and endpoints from various threats. I have experience with fortigate  firewalls, intrusion detection and prevention systems, and security information and event management tools. Additionally, I have experience with vulnerability assessments, penetration testing, and incident response.

 I hold several certifications that demonstrate my expertise, including the Certified Network Security Associate  from Fortigate, and other certifications . I am committed to staying current with the latest trends and techniques in network and server administration and cybersecurity to ensure that the systems I manage are secure and efficient.