Jhunandhini S

Tiruppur Tiruppur TN

See directions

Preferred mode of communication: WhatsApp Messaging,Phone

Availability: Sunday,Saturday

Brief bio:       I'm a second-year student getting a degree in Data Science who is passionate about cybersecurity. I am an active member of my college's Women Empowerment Cell, where I promote diversity and empowerment in both physical and digital settings.

Despite the fact that I am still in the early phases of my academic career, I am actively engaged in self-study and attend numerous seminars to expand my understanding of cybersecurity. I approach cybersecurity concerns analytically, looking for data-driven solutions, drawing on my experience in data science.

My aspiration as a Cybercrime First Responder is to utilize my expertise to ensure digital safety and security. I firmly believe in empowering individuals, particularly women, to navigate the digital landscape with confidence.

Furthermore, I serve as Treasurer for the Women Empowerment Cell, where I have developed great leadership and organizational abilities. This position demonstrates my dedication to creating supportive communities and advocating for digital literacy and safety.

Aside from my scholastic and extracurricular activities, I like researching ethical hacking techniques and keeping up with the current trends via online forums and podcasts.